Moraga, California
Thanks for the
So to answer your questions:
1. What is your new apartment
First of all, elders have been
living there for the past almost year, so when we got there the apartment was
DISGUSTING. I seriously don't think they cleaned that bathroom the entire time
they were there! I spent a good hour just cleaning the toilet haha. But man did
we clean that apartment good! Now it's looking really nice and cozy and smells
much better! We also rearranged a lot of stuff. It is in an apartment complex
where college students live that attend a small college in Moraga. I will take
pics and send to you next week :)
2. Have you met any of the ward
members yet?
Yes! We had dinner last week with a
family from the ward who have like 10 kids all in their twenties haha. They are
a super cool family! We also had dinner with another family who has kids all in
their twenties and they were awesome as well. :) We tried to meet with more
members but weren't able to last week, but on Sunday we greeted
everyone that came to church and met a lot of people so we felt much better
after that! The ward is super nice and welcoming so we are really excited! The church building is also really pretty!!!
3. Have you eaten at anyone's house
Yes, see 2 :)
4. What was moving out of your first
missionary apartment like? easy or difficult?
Easy! Sister Henderson and I are
really clean and neat and don't have a lot of junk so it was easy getting
everything packed up and clean. :)
5. Can you make some pictures of
stuff and people?
Yes! :-)
So Moraga is beautiful!!! There are
tons of beautiful, rolling golden hills and trees. It is basically like a
magical fairyland place, at least that's how Sister Henderson and I describe
it. The neighborhoods are so pristine and picture-perfect and there are a lot
of big houses. It feels very different than Berkeley but we like it
a lot! :) We met our investigator in the ward who is getting baptized soon
(we've actually met him before in the visitor's center) and he is a super
awesome, funny fellow! He has a wife and 2 kids. We are excited we get to teach
him and help him be ready for his baptism!
It was neat because when we got to
Moraga we got a referral for a recent convert who just moved here from
Sacramento. We went to his address and it was an apartment complex (of course)
but there was no appt. # for him (of course!) So we decided to pick a random
set of doors to knock on to see if he lived in any of them. We tried some,
wasn't him, and then decided to try one last one. The last one we tried was
him! Haha. I love those simple miracles Heavenly Father gives us. :)
The Visitor's Center lately has been
fun! A lot of fun interesting people have come in, especially a lot of Chinese
(which is super fun because Sister Henderson and I give them tours, even though
I don't speak Chinese, so I just get to listen to Sister Henderson be awesome
and speak Chinese while I stand there and smile haha. I want to learn some
Chinese though! Chinese people are so great and loving!). We are so lucky to be
at the Visitor's Center! Sometimes I get anxious because I want to be back in our area doing
work, but then there are always so many miracles that happen and awesome people
that we meet at the Visitor's Center. So we are very blessed!!!
Anyways that's pretty much it for
this week! Love you all! Have an awesome week and be safe and pray and read
your scrips and go to church! :-)
Sister Johnson